Mike backs ambitious zero carbon homes for social rent
Increasing the number of social and affordable homes we build was one of the topics discussed at a lively General Election Hustings in Stansted on Friday.
"We now have a crazy situation where to get one social/affordable housing unit, you have to accept four unaffordable, luxury homes", said Mike. "We have to find another way to fund this. Lib Dems will build thousands of new homes for social rent to give our young people hope of a home of their own. The homes will be built to zero carbon standards reducing energy consumption and making the running costs affordable for young families."
The Lib Dem manifesto commits to insulating the existing UK housing stock, including free retrofits for low income households. "This is part of tackling the Climate Emergency" says Mike. "It will also go a long way towards ending fuel poverty".
There will be another General Election Hustings on Thursday 5th December in the Baptist Church at the top of Saffron Walden High Street, CB10 1DY. Doors open at 7:00 for a 7:30 start, and all the candidates will be there to answer questions from the audience.